Wonderful Woodside weeders
CCA had a very productive three day ‘weedathon’ in late October. We are very grateful to Woodside who sponsored two small work teams from Conservation Volunteers Australia (CVA) for the first two days. On the third day thirty Woodside staff and CVA helpers worked diligently among Cottesloe’s weeds. Each day Cottesloe Coastcare volunteers joined the big effort. Alex Johnston (Manager, Coastal and Marine Program, Perth Region NRM) and CVA co-ordinators assisted and helped keep the spirits up.Morning teas and lunches helped fortify us all.
Mostly the weather was kind but at Cottesloe Native Garden the temperature reached over 30 degrees and there was no breeze to cool us down. Everyone slept well that night I’m sure. We worked at three of our CCA project sites – Cottesloe Native Garden, Grant Marine Park and Mudurup Rocks. Large piles of bagged weeds – full of seed, were collected by Council workers at the end of each day.
After our big effort at Cottesloe Native Garden,Town of Cottesloe cleaned up some path edges using a whipper snipper and removed the dry cut grass with its seed load. Thankfully the fire risk at Cottesloe Native Garden will be much reduced because of the excellent hand weeding and the ‘edge mowing’ sessions.
A big thank you to Woodside for their sponsorship of the CVA workers who joined us in our weedathon. And thank you again to Woodside staff for their excellent work and good cheer at Mudurup Rocks. Woodside’s wonderful weeders!
Thanks to Alex Johnston for most of the photos.
Robyn Benken, Cottesloe Coastcare