John Black Dune Park update
Cottesloe Council has at last given a firm commitment to revegetating John Black Dune Park as part of the the development of the skatepark. Our supporters will know that Cottesloe Coastcare has been advocating for the revegetation of this weedy degraded area for many years and you can read more here. We look forward to working with the Town and Perth NRM to make this happen.
Robyn has been a tireless and consistent advocate for revegetation of this area since 1989 and her statement to Council on February 22 2022 beautifully illustrates Coastcare’s position.
“I’m representing Cottesloe Coastcare but this is also a very personal and long term crusade for me.
The first time I stood in this beautiful place to talk about Napier Reserve (now it’s called John Black Dune Park ) was in July 1989…. 33 years ago. A group of us spoke out against the proposed commercial development then planned for the reserve and we asked Council to revegetate the area. We failed totally but at least that commercial development was canned.
However, we did not give up. For the last 26 years Cottesloe Coastcare has tried many times to have the site revegetated but the community and successive Councils have been overwhelmingly unsupportive of our plans.
Now, at long last, for the first time in 33 (or maybe its 90 years) it seems to me we have a Council, and an increasing number of residents of all ages who realise that green spaces and natural vegetation are not only good for birds but for the health of people too.
Cottesloe Coastcare fully supports the plan that the bulk of JBDP around the proposed skate park is landscaped and revegetated with appropriate local native plants; always being aware of safety for skaters, sight lines, access paths and other important considerations.
I ask all Councillors to please ensure that planning and funding is not just for the skate park but for revegetation of this totally degraded site. If we all care enough JBDP can evolve to a bio-diverse green jewel in the crown of our central Cottesloe foreshore.”