Cottesloe Outdoor Film Festival 2018
The second year of the wonderful Cottesloe Outdoor film Festival was another great success, for CCA too!
The Cottesloe Civic Centre lawns is a fabulous venue and the perfect place to watch the sunset with a picnic or with a good pizza, made to order. There was live music, a good coffee spot, a drinks bar and a great community atmosphere each night. On two nights the tickets were sold out.
Over three weekends in January and February a total of 6 major films were shown, also short films. CCA was able to show our two minute video before the major films, plus we provided three CCA volunteers each night to help with ticket sales and provide other assistance. One night had a few challenges with a strong wind, so the musician, Nick Abbey had an extra firm hold on his double bass! Nick played with the Lawe Davies Jazz Band and on the last night performers from We Will Rock You entertained the ‘full house’ crowd.
CCA received a fantastic donation of $2,360 from Miranda Edmonds and her COFF team (Richard Evans and Estelle Buzzard). We received $2 from every adult ticket sold. Cottesloe Coastcare will use this money to update our website and create some new marketing tools – to help spread the word about the importance of caring for our glorious natural environment and restoring it for the benefit of all creatures great and small. Restoration also provides protective resilience for our fragile sand dunes. And as we say “we think it looks good too”, once the eroded bare areas and weeds are replaced with local native plants.
(Both photos courtesy of COFF)
We are delighted that Cottesloe Outdoor Film Festival will be a part of our local summer fun in 2019 and 2020.