CCA & UWA students join forces
Thanks to Sharon Munro, Perth NRM’s Coastal Education officer, for the following posting and photos:
UWA Student’s and Cottesloe Coastcare join Forces on the 21st of February.
Residents from the University of Western Australia’s Trinity College joined with volunteers from the Cottesloe Coastcare Association and Coastcare officers Kate and Sharon to carry out rehabilitation works at Vlamingh Memorial in Cottesloe. The university students liberated native plants, which were planted 2010/2011, from their outgrown protective sleeves, giving them more room to develop and continue growing. Plants were then given water to help them survive through the hot summer months. The Trinity College crew also helped to clear the rehabilitation site of weeds and rubbish. This event was a great opportunity for the university students to discover what kinds of volunteer activities are available around the Perth metro area and to get an idea of the type of work they could be doing in future years should they pursue a career in environmental care. It gave the students and volunteers a chance to socialise and share knowledge and experience, especially during refreshment breaks. For more information on this event, or if you would like to hear about upcoming coastcare volunteer opportunities, please contact Kate Sputore on 9285 5099.