The watering team from Hale

On Friday morning 18 March I spent two delightful hours with volunteers from Coastcare, twenty five Year 6 boys from Hale School along with a couple of teachers and parents.

Trinity triumphs – again!

Earlier this week CCA volunteers were very pleased that a team from UWA’s Trinity Residential College gave us a hand. Tiny seedlings planted at Vlamingh 8 months ago are growing well despite this long hot and very dry summer.

Sunday sessions

Cottesloe Coastcare’s ‘ Sunday sessions’ are working well. The working bees are held on the first Sunday morning in the month from 9 am to 11 am. Frauke has been a keen organiser of these sessions – a big thank you to Frauke and to Keith.

Fairy-wrens in Cottesloe

Cottesloe residents Paul and Sally Nelson alerted Cottesloe Coastcare to two sightings of a group of Variegated Fairy-wrens on the Cottesloe foredunes recently.