Protecting Grant Marine Park

A successful 2018 planting season

CCA’s planting season was a busy two months. We start planting each year in the first week of May as we find seedling survival rates on the Cottesloe foreshore are highest with this plan.

Our good news Quandong story

Only a small patch of Sweet Quandongs (Santalum acuminatum) remained in Cottesloe and these plants are near the WA Foundation for deaf children.

Clean Up Australia Day 2018

Adeline Morrissey sent this post for CCA’s website: The event on Sunday 4th March went really well and we had over 30 volunteers attend. We started at Grant Marine Park and volunteers picked up rubbish from the beach, dunes, parks, roadsides, verge gardens and even the ocean floor between Cottesloe and Swanbourne. A total of 13 massive garbage bags were filled with litter.

4000th plant in!

We had a great team from Conservation Volunteers Australia (CVA) join us on Tuesday to get the last of our 4000 plants in the ground this year. Mike is showing them our “deep hole” planting technique and the team got on with the job with gusto.

The last plant…. and lamingtons!

Whoopee! Planting is finished for 2016. It has been a very busy patch getting 4000 local provenance seedlings in the ground over 7 weeks. This past week we had an excellent Green Army team – a team of young people sign up for a 6 month period to work and to learn all sorts of skills at the same time.

2015 planting finished

After two weeks of intensive planting in May and June we now have 3,500 new plants in our natural areas. We had some terrific help from Conservation Volunteers Australia, Price Waterhouse Coopers, Rio Tinto and for the first time the Green Army. The extra hands meant we could achieve so much more.

Pricewaterhouse Coopers to the rescue!

On Monday 22nd January a group of enthusiastic people from Pricewaterhouse Coopers joined CCA volunteers for a working bee. It was a hot morning but we achieved a great deal and perhaps rescued some of the very stressed small plants by giving them a big drink.

The last seedling is planted for 2013!

It is always a good feeling to have finished planting for the year! We dug the last hole and watered in the last seedling on July 12th. Since then the plants have received some good falls of rain so it all augurs well, to date, for a good survival rate this year.

Kings Park Master Gardeners come to visit

Cottesloe Coastcare Association (CCA) volunteers and the North Metropolitan Coastcare Officer Kate Sputore were delighted to welcome volunteer Master Gardeners and M.G’s mentor, Bob Dixon (Manager of Biodiversity and Extensions, Kings Park and Botanic Garden) to Cottesloe, on Tuesday 13th November.

Weeds, weeds, weeds … and rock-buns!

Spring time is weeding time for Cottesloe Coastcare volunteers and we have been hard at work. Despite the very poor rain this past winter, the rain received was distributed over a long period and perhaps this is the reason that every weed species seems to be doing extra well this year!

Coastcare Symposium September 2012

Mike recently attended a symposium at Curtin University on Coastal Planning and Management in WA.