4000th plant in!
We had a great team from Conservation Volunteers Australia (CVA) join us on Tuesday to get the last of our 4000 plants in the ground this year. Mike is showing them our “deep hole” planting technique and the team got on with the job with gusto. We planted on our new site just next to the grass terraces at the main beach and were blessed with great planting weather. CVA have joined us for 3 working bees this year and they add a significant boost to our efforts – its great to have extra bodies to dig the holes.
We’ve also been working with the Cottesloe Tennis Club to help them restore the bank next to John Black Dune Park after their court extensions. 800 local plants were acquired and a great team from the club dug, watered and planted until they were all in the ground. The follow up rains came just in time on Wednesday. Thanks to the Tennis Club and the Town of Cottesloe for helping to keep our natural areas natural!
Here is a quick resume where the rest of our 4000 plants ended up this year!
1. Napier Street dunes – this area was weeded and matted in 2016 and we planted 1000 seedlings last year. 12 months later, after lots more hand weeding we planted another 1000 seedlings and watered them well in dry May.
2. Our latest (Coastwest) project site – on the north side of the lawn terraces, near Indiana Tea-house, at Cottesloe’s main beach. Weeding, planting and watering – with some help from Sue and the Council truck!
3. We have been restoring the natural vegetation in the area around the south Cottesloe groyne (Dutch Inn groyne) for several years. This year a team from Cottesloe Grill’d (Napoleon St) joined us one day (L) and another day Pricewaterhouse Coopers gave us a day of planting (R). Many thanks to everyone!
4. The node around Sydney St ramp in south Cottesloe is another CCA restoration site. This year a Subiaco Rovers team gave us a hand at planting time – it was greatly appreciated!
5. Cottesloe Native Garden is a favourite site – 10 years ago the area was 75% covered by Victorian Tea tree. Today thousands of representatives of 35 local plant species are bringing in the birds, insects and butterflies. We received great assistance from Shell Outreach Volunteers planting 500 seedlings this year.
6. Grant Marine Park has been a 13 year commitment for CCA volunteers! Unfortunately, without fencing, the area is subject to plenty of vandalism. This year we had two more infill planting sessions. But you can see the area has come a long way since 2003!
7. CCA has done a great deal of work on the north and west sides of Vlamingh Memorial over several years. Our infill planting this year was given a great boost by a UWA team, the SPE UWA student chapter (L). And there are jobs for everyone… as you can see in the last photo.
Thanks to everyone involved in our 2017 planting season.